Wednesday, December 3, 2008

"I've Done It All" The real Jamie Lee Curtis

Jamie Lee Curtis: True Thighs was published in More magazine.

This article talks about Jamie and how she wants the world to see her how she really is. Not the way Hollywood make up artists and technology cause her to look on the screen and red carpet. One thing that really impressed me about the way Jamie has been portrayed in this article is that it makes her seem more down to earth and it lets readers know that she's not perfect and it's okay to not be perfect. I think that in todays society that is a message that gets lost in a lot of instances. The world thinks that to be beautiful you must have the perfect hair, the perfect face, and the perfect body. That's so not true, it's just a front put up to make those so called "perfect people" the icon of everyones world and who people want to be. I think it is so important that people especially young girls learn what it means to be beautiful and that it doesn't mean you have to be perfect it means that you have to be you.

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